This picture is from the front page of The Sun magazine. This front page shows and tells its audience many things when carefully analysed. The group who had designed this page clearly knew what images and words need to be on here in order to attract a variety of people (mainly men) to make them buy this newspaper. The colour of this page seems to be made up of basic colours (red, white and black). While this may seem to be standard colours, they speak very loudly. Against the black background, stands a women with white panties and a white banner covering her chest which clearly states some form sexual connotations. The pose of this women is made to be seductive to attract male audiences and get them to buy the newspaper. The pose also wants thjem to read on more aswell. The framing and composition of this front page doesnt seem to too complex. Against a black background, there's white writing placed around the women so audiences will get attracted to the news aswell. The banner marked "goal" seems conviniently placed right where the women's chest obvious connotating something sexual. The women is placed in the centre of the page and putting her in this position will obviously attract attention. The size of the words "Here We Goal" are larger than most of the text on the page making it clear that these words have relation to the main story. The size of the women seems to be large enough so that the audience can have many polysemic views on it. On this page, there seems to be a close-up shot and there has to be becuase the camera shot mainly focuses on the women. The subject at hand on this page seems to be about England being qualified into the finals of the world cup. Clearly, a lot of thought and effort has gone into making this page what it truly is...a story of England being entered into the world cup finals with a stimulating picture to attract male audiences.
This page gets a rating of....4 starts out of 5.
Monday, 28 September 2009
Inglourious basterds is the new Quentin Tarantino movie from which he considers it his "masterpiece". He also claims that this movie has "some of the best writing he's ever done".
Aside from the monumental success of the movie, the poster of this movie seems to be a piece of art within itself. The amount of time and effort that has gone into this poster seems to show quite a alot and its quite apparant of how many ideas went into this poster.
The colour on this poster seems to say a lot to the viewer. The primary colours in this poster seem to be red and white. The title is coloured in white against a red background which clearly makes it stand out. In a way, the red and white colours contrast to make even the characters stand out more. Another thought would be that the red colour connotes violence and anger seeing as many people associate red with anger and frustration.
The pose of all the characters on the poster seems to connote that they're all getting ready for action. These poses also seem to hold viewer interest and show them which actors are in it and (in more depth) show character roles.
The framing and composition on this poster is interesting. The title is superimposed right in the center to show us what the movies called. On the top-right side of the poster, we see a list of the actor's names. With the list of names placed here, we can clearly see that the artists intention was to attract our attention to thise list so we can see what actors are in this film. Where the characters are placed also seems intriguing. Brad Pitt (being the main star) is placed at the front while there are two other men on both sides of him. They seem superimposed in front of a thick red line (most probably representing blood) and within this line are two women and what seems to be a general of some sort. The composition of these characters seems to give us an idea of what the movie is going to be about.
The sizes of the characters are from a medium range so that we can see the actor's full bodies. As for the three characters in the red line at the bak, we can only see them from the shoulder up. Seeing these characters from the shoulder up connotes a little mystery. The size of the title is an average size and is not too big and not too small that it cant be seen.
The type of shot in this poster seems to be a close-up. We can see all the characters clearly and because of this shot, the poster seems to really give out a Holloywood vibe.
This poster seems to say a lot to the viewer about the subject at hand. The character poses combined with the colour seem to speak for itself. From seeing this it immediately connotes that this film is going to be quite violent and there’s going to be a lot of action. We also see the nazi sign on the title which obviously connotes that this is going to be about Nazis.
The ambiguity of the setting in this poster is nil. Right when we see the title, there is a Nazi sign on it which immediately connotes that this movie is going to be set in World War 2.
The lighting on this poster seems very light and at the same time very dark and murky. With the white colour, this colour connotes hope while with the red colour, this connotes death. With these effects, the lighting seems to have a powerful influence on the viewer and may even subconsciously effect the viewer.
In conclusion, the Inglourious basterds poster seems to complete its objective of hooking its viewer while displaying a lot of information about the movie at the same time.
The plot of Saving Faith is about a young man (age 17-18) losing his one and only love due to an unfortunate accident. Realising this death wasnt just an accident but a murder, he goes on a rampage to exact his revenge. The beginning of the movie seems to deliver us some interesting insight into the chararcters personal lives so we get a chance to connect with them on a personal level and a heart-wrenching storyline to follow up are all the ingrediants to a good movie right?Well...not entirely. While the beginning of the movie seems riveting, the middle and climax seems to be blown out of proportion. Viewers who were expecting this to be a film of exacting one's revenge while avioding a bloodboth will be in for a surprise. Action fanatics with find this movie superb while viewers who want a deep, moving storyline will be disappointed. The movie has some tear-jerking moments but other scenes seem to be surprisingly bleak, showing vicious acts being committed 80% of the time. While some of these scenes have breath-taking action, Saving Faith is not so much an emotional rollercoaster but a flim for the regular adrenaline-junkie. The camera-works seems a bit shaky and sometimes seems to far out of view to even know whats going on but seems to uphold more than enough stability. The soundtrack is outstanding becuase it fits so well with scene that you do get caught up in the moment even if for a while. In short, this movie is strictly for for action lovers meanwhile the romance fans are going to need some faith to put up with this.