Saturday, 14 November 2009

Analysis of still image: Mise-en-scene:


In this still image is one the main protagonists, Vincent Vega (John Travolta) as he opens a briefcase wearing the attire of an everday business man. In this film he works as a hitman so it is appropriate for him to be wearing a suit. By seeing this, we associate him to being in a respectable profession which is most likely a dominant reading in this case.

The props in this still image are quite interesting. We see a cigarette in his mouth with suggests that hes suppose to be the cool and collected character. The cigarette could also suggest that he may be an antagonist.

The only actor in this image is John Travolter.

The setting seems to be in a room. This is connoted by the wall in the background with the fridge there aswell. The fact that this still is set in a room further connotes that the room that he is in is his or another perons.

The make-up Travolta is wearing seems to be very little. It seems that hes got a little on to make him look slick, a stereotype of almost every hitman in a movie.

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